PM Narendra Modi Honors Jaya Kishori at the National Creators Awards

Jaya Kishori Award

New Delhi: In a momentous event at Bharat Mandapam, New Delhi, Prime Minister Narendra Modi bestowed the Best Creator for Social Change Award upon the remarkable content creator, Jaya Kishori. The National Creators Awards, held for the first time, celebrated the passion and talent of creators who drive positive transformations in society.

Jaya Kishori, a beacon of inspiration, took center stage to share her insights on why spirituality holds immense significance for our youth.

Jaya Kishori emphasized that spirituality is not confined to religious rituals; it’s about connecting with our inner selves. In a fast-paced world, where distractions abound, young minds often seek solace. Spirituality provides that refuge—a space to introspect, find purpose, and discover inner peace.

Life throws curveballs at every turn. Spirituality equips the youth with resilience and coping mechanisms. It teaches them to face adversity with grace, patience, and unwavering faith. Jaya urged the audience to embrace spiritual practices as tools for mental and emotional well-being.

Spirituality fosters empathy, compassion, and kindness. When young individuals cultivate these virtues, they become agents of positive change. Jaya encouraged the youth to channel their creativity toward uplifting others, spreading love, and addressing societal issues.

In a materialistic world, spirituality reminds us that true wealth lies beyond possessions. It’s about nurturing the soul, seeking wisdom, and understanding interconnectedness. Jaya urged creators to infuse their content with messages that inspire, uplift, and awaken consciousness.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in his address, acknowledged the pivotal role of content creators. He stated, “You are the digital ambassadors of India worldwide. You are the brand ambassadors of Vocal for Local.

He called for a “Create on India Movement,” urging creators to share India’s rich stories, culture, heritage, and traditions with the world.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, Jaya Kishori’s words lingered—a reminder that spirituality isn’t an abstract concept but a guiding light. Our youth, armed with creativity and compassion, can shape a brighter future. Let us heed their call and embark on a journey of self-discovery, empathy, and positive transformation.

Note: The National Creators Awards mark a significant milestone, recognizing the power of content creators in shaping narratives and fostering change. Jaya Kishori’s message resonates beyond borders, inspiring us all to embrace spirituality as a force for good.

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